Howdy Neighbor! Welcome to Cypress Forest.

Scott Hubert, Neighbor and president of CFCAI
Howdy new neighbor! Whether you are considering making Cypress Forest your new home or maybe just moving in the last box from the UHaul, the neighbors and board welcomes you. We hope you will find some of the topics useful to help you get situated into your new home quickly.
Electricity: Cypress Forest is in a non-regulated area meaning you can choose your own electric “retailer”. This allows you to possibly bring your monthly electric bill prices down. You may want to visit the PUC’s website to start your search. It can be found at The lines and meters are maintained by Centerpoint Energy. They are “smart meters” so no need to call in to report when power goes out (happens about 4 times/year). Another neat feature allowed by smart meters is that you can monitor your energy consumption using a webpage and certain phone apps. The best method to start reviewing your utilization of electricity via an app is to browse to after you have established your retail provider. This page works with all Texas retailers as it is administered by Centerpoint directly.
Note that most of the electricity in Cypress Forest is distributed by above-ground lines. Please be careful when working around these lines as some are high voltage. Further, it is important to keep trees trimmed back from power lines as it is the primary cause of power outages in our neighborhood. For a few years, the neighborhood had higher occurrence of power outages. Recently, Centerpoint sent a contractor in to cut trees back from power lines and the outages have subsided in frequency. However, we still experience an outage on the frequency of about once a month. So, keep the flashlights charged up and a generator on standby.
Centerpoint also manages natural gas lines in the area. LNG provides a low-cost alternative to electricity; especially when it comes to heating your home. If you have gas service to your new home, it is advised that you browse to to begin the account origination for natural gas. To reiterate, if you have no natural gas service, this step can be ignored.
Centerpoint Energy’s liquid natural gas division began installing new electric meters approximately 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the contract with the contractor was terminated midway through the project and the newly contracted utility company has not yet resumed installing smart meters. If you have a smart meter, you can also monitor it remotely using the Centerpoint Energy tool.
The two significant providers of wired cable & internet are Comcast/Xfinity and AT&T (both can provide gigabit service in our community). You are free to choose which is best for you based on your own needs. Note that in the Cypress Forest community, Xfinity still buries their copper cables while AT&T has recently elevated (hung) their fiber cables on the utility poles in most areas of the community.
We are slated to get some 5g towers in our community in 2025 (one is slated to go near the property Lemm Elementary sits on). You will also note that there are several 5g towers along Cypresswood west of I-45. These towers will allow Verizon FIOS to grow in the area.

Be sure to watch for some great community events!
Utilities – Digging
Our community has buried electricity, buried natural gas, buried telecommunication and internet cabling, and buried water/sewer conveyance lines. Before you dig for any project at your home, it is advised that you reach out to Texas 811. Texas 811 will have someone come out and mark the location of the many buried infrastructure to ensure nothing is damaged during the construction of your project. Texas 811 can be reached by either dialing “811” on your phone or by browsing to
“Pay particular attention to for future events, clubs, sport opportunities, and community news.”
Trash days are Saturday and Wednesday. You must have cans out to the curb prior to 7am on these days to ensure trash pickup. Property owners are responsible for providing their own trash receptacles and it is advised that nothing over 50 gallons be used. Trash and waste removal is handled by Best Trash ( and is paid for through your monthly water/sewer bill (buried in sewer portion). Heavy trash can be placed at the curb on both days, though it’s advisable that the property owner reach out to Best Trash before placing unusual items to the curb. Also, there is a limit of TWO heavy trash items per visit day. Best Trash is very strict on how property owners dispose of limbs and lawn debris. It is advisable that lawn debris be placed in their own collection bags and placed separately. Limbs must be cut down to 3 feet and bundled. Large trash will be taken but limit of two large items per trash day. The limit on trash containers is 10 items and no more than 40 pounds each.
There is nothing to do to start trash service. It automatically begins when your water account with Harris County WCID #110/MOC has been established. If there are specific questions on trash, please do NOT contact WCID #110. It is better that you reach out to Best Trash, the vendor, directly. They can be reached at 281-313-2378 or (email contact is best method of contact). Best Trash is very responsive in responding to concerns and questions.

Forest Oaks Baracudas are a legendary squad and offer great coaching opportunities as well as good family fun.

If you are into this, HC WCID #110 has also contracted with Best Trash to collect your recycling. In fact, it is encouraged as it helps lower the trash costs for the community. HC WCID #110 has small recycling containers they will provide to you free of charge. If you’d like a larger receptable, they are available for sale at the HC WCID #110 office at 19023 Joanleigh Drive during normal office hours. The recycling program is in the middle of a refresh process, and you can expect to hear a lot about it in the coming weeks.

Cypress Forest and the surrounding communities around did experience some flooding during Harvey (and a few storms prior, such as TS Allison). However, this does not mean your home flooded, nor does it mean your home, or any home in the community will flood again. As you probably have already seen, we are surrounded by many beautiful waterways and lakes. Note that after Hurricane Harvey, the county flood district, Harris County Flood Control, brought contractors in to clean up and widen many of the waterways around our community. They still have more work planned. If we get 10” or more in a short period, be wary of street flooding, but know that it takes quite a bit more for Cypress Forest to start taking water into homes. You can check flood gauges at
You can find out more about projects going on in the area by browsing to
Many choose our community because of the fantastic school district that enhances the amazing quality of life here. Klein ISD is a well-regarded and innovative school district with world-class educators. While Lemm Elementary, within the community, was completely rebuilt after flooding during Harvey, many of the other facilities in our area are getting upgrades in relation to a large bond offering that passed in 2022.
Cypress Forest is zoned to Lemm Elementary, Strack Intermediate, and Klein Collins High School. All are top-rated schools. As noted, Lemm Elementary is built in the heart of Cypress Forest and is a newly renovated school. Many children walk or ride their bikes to school so be extra cautious when driving on the streets during school hours. If you have children at Lemm, the best route to drop them off and pick them up is to head south on Cypress Forest Drive until it ends at Cypress Oaks Drive. At that point, turn west, and proceed up to the water tower at Joanleigh. Take a right (north) and the school is there on the right. Just be aware that this area gets very congested for about 20 minutes in the AM and 40 minutes in the afternoon as school session begins and ends. Please follow the posted speed limits in our shared community as we have children out and playing from sunup to sun down.
Strack is the second oldest intermediate school in the district, and it shows. While the building is a bit dated, the educators and technology within are not. The good news is that Strack will get a major overhaul and remodel beginning in 2024-25 (anticipated) using approved bond funds. Strack Intermediate, like all middle level schools in Klein ISD, starts later than elementary and high school. This is so that the district can maintain proper bus schedules and use fewer buses. Strack Intermediate has a host of clubs and athletic offerings for our children and are also renowned for their level of education.
Klein Collins High School, located near the intersection of Ella Boulevard and Spring Cypress Drive, is a high school with approximately 3,500 students. It offers dual-credit courses, a host of vocational degrees and training, competitive athletics and extracurricular activities. This building is also being expanded upon in relation to the bond package. The work should be completed in late 2025.
Klein Collins High School – 832-484-5500
Strack Intermediate – 832-249-5400
Lemm Elementary – 832-484-6300
Harris County WCID #110, the “MUD” board, contracts for our police services in the neighborhood. Currently, and going back as far as 30 years now, the board has contracted with Harris County Precinct 4 Constables for our law enforcement needs. This has several implications. You will likely never see any other agency, outside of Klein ISD Police, responding to a criminal or suspicious incident in our community. Further, our community is provided with prompt response times – especially in emergency situations. The contract in WCID #110 currently provides for nine (9) deputies for the community. This means we usually have at least one deputy on duty in our area 24/7. The area does include a robust commercial district, so just because you don’t see the officer patrolling the streets (rare), it doesn’t mean they are not close by. In addition, Harris County WCID #110 solely and exclusively paid for/built and maintains the Constable’s office on Holzwarth Drive (in front of Home Depot). It should be noted that Mark Herman, the current Constable, lives in a neighboring subdivision (Oaks of Devonshire) just around the corner and he keeps close tabs on how things are going in the area.
We are for the most part a very safe community. Crime happens everywhere, but most will tell you it is very rare that it occurs within the confine of the residential area of Cypress Forest.
HOWEVER, if you ever need to call the Constable to report a crime or concern and it is not an emergency, use this non-emergency dispatch number: 281-376-3472
If you ever see something suspicious occurring at Lemm Elementary, it is best to call the Klein ISD Police Department directly. Klein ISD Police are responsible for the school and grounds only (Constables are responsible for security of areas surrounding). The Klein ISD Police can be reached at 832-249-4266.
You may notice many black, solar-powered contraptions around the perimeter of the community. These are Flock security cameras. Technically, they are “license plate readers” or “LPR”. They are paid for by the water/MUD district but only accessed by the Harris County Constable and local LEO. They ONLY read license plates coming and going from the community and alert the police is a vehicle with a BOLO or major issue comes into or leaves from the community. Many stolen cars have been found using this system as have a few wanted and missing individuals.
Homeowners Association
This area is unique in that there are eight different individual communities within the MUD district/small area of jurisdiction. While you are in Cypress Forest, just around the corner is Enchanted Oaks, Cypress Forest Estates and behind the clubhouse, Cypress Forest Lakes. Your property is within the Cypress Forest Community Association, Inc. service area. It is a dedicated and active association representing 148 properties. The board meets every few months at the Forest Oaks facilities located near the pool. Assessments are currently $330/year and are usually billed in October of each year. It is worth mentioning that escrow does not traditionally cover HOA fees, so when you receive the assessment invoice, be sure to pay it after checking to confirm your escrow is not responsible for this item. Note that the association is strict about ensuring any exterior modifications are approved via their ACC committee. They usually only take about a week to review most applications. You may find a current copy of the CCR’s (“covenants”) on the association website listed below.
The association is currently managed by: PMG of Houston/Associa, but the board has elected to transition to a new provider in 2025. Stay tuned for this change soon!
MUD Board
MUDs are short for “municipal utility district”. We are within the boundaries and jurisdiction of Harris County WCID #110 (or “Wis-id 110”). Pretty crucial and very active entity in our area. They not only get us clean water and keep our poo lines moving freely, but they also control so much more. They set their own tax rate and water/sewer rates. In our case, they also manage the parks and recreation areas (pool/gym/tennis courts included). There are five (5) members on the board, and they meet twice a month. Meeting information is listed on the comprehensive website noted below.
The Forest Oaks Club – at the end of Joanleigh Drive and just adjacent to Lemm Elementary – is managed by WCID #110. There is a monthly fee to utilize the club. It is currently $30/month; paid from your water bills. Elderly members get a slight discount. It is an elective whether you desire to join or not, but membership allows you access into the swimming pool (during active months), the small, but well-stocked gym, and the tennis courts. Membership also allows you discounted rental fees on the clubhouse, pavilions and public areas (you can reserve these for personal use if function is not business enterprise such as selling items or promoting a service. The district utilizes e-meters for water. There is an app which allows you to monitor the activity on your property and also monitor for leaks (it emails you if a leak is detected). The app is called “EyeonWater”. You will need some account information which will be contained on your first water invoice.
Website for WCID 110:
Office phone number: 281-353-0998
District Manager: Brian Mills
The district relies on an “operator” to both invoice for services and keep your service running smoothly. Therefore, if you have a billing question or if you need assistance with your service (water and/or sewer), it is advised you contact the operator directly. The information for the operator is as follows:
Municipal Operations and Consulting, Inc. (“MOC”)
20141 Schiel Rd, Cypress, TX 77433
Phone: 281-367-5511
Fax: 281-367-5517
Website for MOC:
It should be noted that there is a tennis academy hosted by WCID #110 at the courts and that instruction is led by Rivera Tennis Academy. Further, our community has a very active swim team that is hosted by WCID #110 called the Forest Oaks Barracudas. More information can be found here:
Traffic Light at Cypresswood and Holzwarth Road
Ugh……don’t even get me started! Avoid it at all costs if you can. It’s the biggest time suck this side of social media. The community has been working with Harris County and TxDOT to see if we can get the wait time shortened, but nothing yet. You’ve been warned!
If you ever need a special tool or a hand around the house, know that your new home has neighbors who are eager to help. Many within the community seek opportunities to help neighbors. You can reference the Nextdoor application at or call the board president, Scott Hubert at 832-663-0133.
Your neighbors welcome you and know you’ll be happy you chose your new home in Cypress Forest.