January 2018

Scott Hubert, Neighbor and President

Howdy friends and neighbors!  Happy 2018 to everyone.  I hope that the burial of 2017 was a deep, quiet affair.   What a year; full of huge ups and deep lows.  The Cypress Forest board of directors wishes everyone a Happy New Year and we are as excited as you are about starting a fresh year. 

A reminder that assessments were sent out approximately 45 days ago.   The assessment rate for Cypress Forest is $250/annum for the 2017 year.  A cover letter was attached to the invoice explaining the $25 increase for 2018.  This assessment amount is due January 10th, 2018.  Anything received after this date is subject to penalties and interest.  The association must follow our management contract as well as the statutes of Texas in how we administer these accounts.  The association does offer a payment plan.  We also can take payment via credit card on the online community portal hosted by PMG/Associa (our management company).  If you find you might have trouble paying the balance due, please reach out to PMG or a board member.  We would be happy to discuss a payment plan and can discuss any other options available to you at this time.  We also invite flood victims to contact us if you might have trouble funding your assessments for the current year.  If you’d like to learn how the association spends these assessments, the approved budget can be found on our website at www.cypressforest.net or the board would be happy to mail a copy out to anyone who requests this. 

If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a few payments! 

Steven Wright

Another reminder, property taxes become delinquent if paid after January 31st.  While these taxes are not our jurisdiction, it’s always a good practice to remind each other about due dates.  We all get so busy nowadays.  For new homeowners or those who have recently turned 65, be certain to complete and submit your exemptions to the county.  The homestead exemption is due April 30th of the year to which you have established a homestead.  Homestead exemption documents can be found on the Harris County Appraisal District website at www.hcad.org   I’d be happy to help answer questions or assist in any way if there are questions about how to complete these applications. 

“If you plan on making any changes to your home –  whether it be a major addition or simply laying a fresh coat of paint down –  please be sure to get approval prior to the project through your architectural control committee.  “

If you plan on making any changes to your home –  whether it be a major addition or simply laying a fresh coat of paint down –  please be sure to get approval prior to the project through your architectural control committee.  This includes items like fence replacement and tree removal.  The process is in place as it helps keep home values high and ensures that no project is installed contrary to the community covenants.  The board also contributes an honest effort to make you aware of problems that might hurt or hinder a property sales transaction at a later date.   Actions such as building on top of an easement or making unsafe improvements will often be noted contrary to approval.  The process of filing an application is quite simple.  A current application is located on the home page of this website (or one can be mailed to you upon request).   Complete that application and submit via US Mail to our management company along with a $25 check.  This fee does not go to the association but rather the management company to help offset their expense of internal ARC website.  It always helps if you email me a copy of the application to the association president so that he/she can ensure the management company processes this efficiently.   If you are not sure who to contact for the proper approval, please give me a quick call and I would be happy to lead you through the simple process of filing a modification request. 

The Cypress Forest CAI annual meeting will be held at the MUD board building (19023 Joanleigh Drive, Spring, Texas, 77388) on Monday, February 5, 2018, beginning at 6:30pm.  There will be refreshments for all and a great discussion.  The meetings usually last just over an hour and any and all concerns are welcomed.   If you cannot attend, please help the board and the community by completing a proxy which was mailed to everyone last month.  This proxy allows the board to make quorum and conduct business.  If you need a copy or if you have concerns that cannot be addressed at the meeting, feel free to reach out to myself or any other board member (names and contact are listed on the “about us” page).    

That’s it for this month.  Thankfully, a much less eventful month than previous ones and let’s hope it remains that way for the foreseeable future.  Again, the board wishes each of you a very Happy New Year and a prosperous, memorable 2018. 

Scott Hubert

Neighbor and President