June 2017

Scott Hubert, Neighbor and President
Happy June, neighbors! Not a whole lot of neighborhood news to chat about this month short of the oppressive heat. I love these 90 to 100 degree days……said no one ever!
I wish to remind everyone that the official start of hurricane season started June 1st. It is predicted to be a rather active hurricane season this year, so now is the time to prepare in the event our region is on the receiving end of a storm. Some recommendations to help you prepare:
- Have an evacuation route and shelter planned in advance of a storm.
- Put together a “go bag” along with a disaster supply kit. This kit would include a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, medications and copies of critical information. Be ready to go at a moment’s notice. The “go bag” is particularly useful for emergencies beyond storm-related ones. Make sure that you have adequate supplies inside your home if you do decide you’d not be evacuating. Consider a battery-operated weather radio as if a storm comes through our area, it’s almost certain that networks, internet and mobile phone channels will be adversely affected.
- Tune up those generators and if you have a whole-house unit, make sure it’s in fully operational state and has been tested recently.
- Trim trees and loose branches now. Secure loose rain gutters and downspouts. Make sure all trees are healthy and completely remove any sickly or dead trees. Secure any trampolines or light patio furniture prior to a storm.
- Keep your car in good working order and keep your tank topped off as best as possible during the “season”.
- Review your flood insurance policy as well as your traditional property and casualty coverage (two separate policies). Note that flood insurance is a tertiary policy and very affordable. Both P&C (“wind”) and flood coverage traditionally require that you apply and fund these policies 30 days prior to the landfall of any storm, so it’s prudent you consider your options now.
There are dozens of other tips to help prepare for a storm and I recommend everyone spend a few minutes on a Google search,, or to make sure that you, your family and your property are ready if the worst heads into our direction.

It’s going to be a brutal summer this year folks. Break out the lemonade and ice tea!
There is no new information on the Hendricks Interests development at Cypress Oaks and Interstate 45. I’m told that some of the basic utilities will be installed in the near future and prior to further dirt work and retention pond work, but I do not know when this utility work will commence. I’ve received a lot of questions regarding the piece of property located on the north side of Cypresswood at Hickory Twig Way (just next to the Sport Clips/Subway retail center). Many speculated that this would turn into a convenience store/gasoline station. This is not the case, or so I am told. It’s been noted that the intended plan for this property is as another retail property (or “strip center”) and none of the tenants will include a gasoline option. Work is anticipated to move rapidly, and the center is expected to be complete prior to October 2017. The fit and finish will be similar to that of adjacent buildings though it’s supposed to be given a bit more of a modern touch. It has been confirmed that at some point, Harris County will install a new traffic light at this intersection while also making modifications to the lane configuration at Cypresswood and Holzwarth.
While any development robs us some peaceful tranquility, it is hopeful that it will also bring in some new retailers who wish to advertise in The Chatter. We have had to suspend publication of this print media due to lack of enough paid advertisements that support the printing and mailing to our approximately 800 neighbors in Cypress Forest, Cypress Forest Estates, Cypresss Forest Lakes and Lakes of Cypress Forest. It is hopeful that this hiatus is short-lived as the print version has many more resources beyond what our website posting can bring. If your company might like to advertise in The Chatter or if you know of a business that could benefit from such print exposure, please feel free to reach out to me at 832-663-0133. It is hoped that the print version of The Chatter can be revived prior to the end of 2017.
“It is hoped that the print version of The Chatter can be revived prior to the end of 2017. “
The board would like to thank our neighbors for working diligently in keeping your yard lights maintained and burning bright. The board started a campaign approximately six months ago to bring 100% of the lights functional and at this writing, there are only a handful that are not in compliance. This really is about more than just aesthetics. It’s about safety and security as without street lights, these pole lights are the only way to keep the streets lit during nighttime hours. Please do all that you can to keep them burning and if for some reason you are having issues that cause a long-term outage, contact a board member to let them know the cause and discuss solutions.
The board continues to push for all chipped and broken curbs to be repaired soon. Any curb outside of 2 feet of a driveway is the responsibility of Harris County. The roads and bridges division of Harris County Precinct 4 Maintenance Division handles such requests and the board has been in close contact with Landon Reed, the supervisor for our area. He has accepted a list of such curb defects from the board and not only is scheduling to correct these matters, but also would like to speak at our next association meeting. As with all matters, I will keep everyone apprised of any anticipated date for repairs. I have performed three slow drives through the Cypress Forest community and have noted over 40 issues. If you’d like to determine if your home or property is on the list, please feel free to give myself or any board member a call. I can be reached at 832-663-0133.

If your curb looks like this, we need to talk! We are working on work orders now.
I hope that June is a great month for everyone. If the board or I can be of any assistance in any way, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to serve and enjoy being able to give back. We’d love to hear from you if there is something we can do to make Cypress Forest a better place to live or if we can be of assistance. Our best to our neighbors and friends.
Scott Hubert
Neighbor and President

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