April 2017
By: Scott Hubert, Neighbor and President
Howdy friends and neighbors. I hope this publication finds you in good health and great spirits. It’s such a pleasure to be able to write for you yet another month. My family and I are blessed to live in this great community and share such wonderful neighbors. It’s been a busy month in our region and there is much going on that affects not only Cypress Forest but our entire area. I will try to capture some of the larger topics affecting Cypress Forest “proper” below.
I have been inundated with calls and emails over the past month regarding the development along Cypress Oaks Drive. If you read no further, know that the developer has agreed to meet with homeowners and residents on April 19th at 6:30pm (details below). The “development” is not as hard to digest as is the tree removal and grubbing. It’s a vastly different look then what we have all grown accustomed to and Cypress Forest is forever changed. There are many uncertainties and emotions surrounding this transformation and I want to reassure you that Cypress Forest CAI is doing all that we can to get answers to your questions and assist with your concerns. I share the same concerns each of you do about this drastic change. It must be reiterated that this is private land. It is also private land that is worth quite a sum of money. I understand the front lots will go for $1MM per acre. I bring this value up as it will certainly affect the type of product that is ultimately constructed on the plots of land. The developer is Hendricks Interests; the same developer who developed each of our communities and much of the area around our homes. Hendricks has been in our communities for decades and has done an honorable job in developing past projects. I have no reason to believe this project will be any different. As this is private land, outside of the jurisdiction of the HOA, the HOA has no real, direct control over the project. There are a lot of questions related to who the buyer is, what plans are in place for the ultimate purpose of the plots, the scope of clearing, the height that the developer intends to raise the land to get it out of the floor plain, when the “debris field” will be cleaned up, and the list goes on for some time. I try hold a weekly conversation with the developer to try and get your many questions answered and the developer is very receptive to these concerns and questions. However, there are still many uncertainties and unknowns at this point since the project is a work-in-progress. Here is what I do know for certain. Much of the deer and wildlife has moved to the region in and around Forest Oaks Park. The water board and Jody Dellinger set up deer feeders and planted special grass and there’s been an uptick in wildlife activity there from deer to fowl to raccoons. There is no committed buyer for the cleared land and no negotiations in the works as I am told. The idea is that the developer will clear, grade and improve the land (inclusive of some utilities) and then find the appropriate buyer. Unfortunately, more trees will come down on the opposite side of Cypress Oaks and the entire street will be laid mostly bare from I-45 to the residential addresses beginning at Cypress Estates Drive. The debris at the old project site that have sat stagnant for months will be chipped/shredded in coming weeks. The contractor was originally intending to burn off the debris, but the water board asked that this not happen and the developer agreed to extra costs of chipping/shredding. A huge concern for our neighbors is the added potential for flooding. I am told by both the developer and engineers (unbiased to this project) that the plans in place would actually decrease. The word is that the way this land is to be built up is expected to alleviate flooding along Cypress Oaks Drive. Remember, a developer cannot do any modifications of this nature without getting specific approval from Harris County Flood Control and Engineering Department. In addition, I understand that the Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition is also involved and will act as a watchdog on this matter. There are considerations for a sound wall and traffic studies, but those are all premature at this point and will remain that way until land is cleared and a buyer is found. Both traffic and noise would vary drastically from the end-product being a midrise office complex or a single-tiered retail center. There will be a serious and uncompromising discussion on these two topics, along with any other tertiary concerns when the time comes. I realize what is provided is just answers to a small portion of the concerns and questions. I have replied to many of you privately or directly in relation to your phone calls and emails. I will continue to do so to the best of my abilities. I have also used, and will continue to use, the Nextdoor application to communicate what is known. With so many other questions at bay and uncertainties abounding, the Cypress Forest CAI board and the WCID #110 board both asked the developer to meet directly with each of you. The developer welcomed this idea and a town hall meeting is scheduled for April 19, 2017 beginning at 6:30pm at the MUD building located at 19023 Joanleigh Drive, 77388. I invite you to all to join us for a civil and orderly discussion where your questions will be addressed and the plans, as known at that time, laid out for all to hear. I realize this is a tough time as those 40 acres of woods provided great comfort (and a sound barrier) to most, myself included, and it’s hard to see them removed. It also is a potential threat to home values – something this board is sworn to protect aggressively. We will continue to watch this project and communicate with you about status. The board and I will also do what we can to make sure the area communities are insulated. Many years ago, I lost the trees next to my house, yet I gained one of the best neighbors a person could wish for. In hindsight, I would never ask for those trees back knowing the kind of friends and neighbors I gained. Let’s hope this is the case in this new situation as well. Possibly we will all get a commercial neighbor that enhances the community. Please continue to call and email if I can be of immediate assistance with this issue or attempt to answer any questions you might have. I will try to be honest and prompt in my response on the issue. My number and email are posted at the front of this publication.
Town Hall Meeting Open to All WCID #110 Residents
Cypress Forest residents are encouraged to attend this meeting if you would like to learn more about the recent commercial development.
The board of WCID #110 is mentioned above and it’s a pertinent topic as they are holding an election on May 6, 2017. While this subject is unrelated to the HOA, it is pertinent to those receiving this newsletter as WCID #110 handles many of the amenities and functions that our community has come to rely on. It’s not just water and sewer, but also recycling/trash collection, hiring and contracting of our Constables (we now have eight full-time on staff), parks and recreation including the Forest Oaks Park along with property tax rate and collection. It’s a very active district and the board has many important responsibilities that affect each of us. It’s very rare for that board to have an election as they have not been contested most of the past two decades due to the overall satisfaction with the job they are doing. This term, there are four candidates vying for two positions. Early voting begins April 26th and goes through May 2nd. There is the opportunity to vote by mail for certain residents. All voting is at the office next to the Constable’s station (627 Cypress Oaks Drive, 77388). Please get to know the four candidates and try to make it out to cast your vote on May 6th (or in early voting).
As noted in last month’s publication, the board of Cypress Forest CAI does not feel you are being well-served by our current landscaping vendor. We are currently working diligently to get a new subcontractor into place. Kevin Warren, an active and esteemed board member, has graciously offered to lead the charge on this search while also working on remediating and repairing the irrigation system in time for the warmer, dryer months ahead. The board is intending to pressure wash all Cypress Forest community signs in the coming months. Change and improvements are coming and we hope you’ll notice this in a few months. It has been noted that the curbs in many sections of our community as well as along Cypress Oaks Drive are crumbling apart. It is a county responsibility to keep these curbs intact and we have notified the county and asked that they come fix this problem immediately. I am aware of two areas they have already repaired (Dianeshire Court and near Kotar Court), but there are still others that have not been corrected yet. Please feel free to call or email me if you know of an area that needs correction and repair; regardless of type. The board will work to get any item you bring to our attention repaired within the month.
I am going to remind everyone in Cypress Forest that it imperative that you keep your yard light operational. I believe this is our fourth or fifth reminder and sadly, the board is now forced to send those who do not have functional lights to our attorney for action. That can get expensive for the homeowner. Understand that we have little choice after so many months of communication through this newsletter along with direct communication through the mail. Beyond being a requirement of the community, functional yard lights are more importantly a safety issue for all of us. As Cypress Forest is without street lighting, we all rely on the yard lights to keep common areas lit and to help protect our assets. For those who are disabled and elderly, a board member will gladly come help change a bulb anytime it is needed – just call us. Please do your best to keep your lights working and contact the board management company (or myself) if there are extenuating circumstances as to why your yard light cannot be repaired or remain functional.
“Unfortunately, fires do happen and a functional alarm could be the difference between life and death. Make sure you have functional fire alarms and ensure that you have recently checked the batteries and function. “
Another important safety feature just as important to you are the smoke detectors in your home. I recently made scene at a neighbor’s house where a fire was raging. It was 10PM on a Saturday evening and thankfully no one was home. However, while we were fighting the fire, I noted that I did not hear any smoke alarms sounding within the house. Had the family been home, it could have been a much more tragic scenario. Unfortunately, fires do happen and a functional alarm could be the difference between life and death. Make sure you have functional fire alarms and ensure that you have checked the batteries and function recently. If you need me to come over and burn some toast for you, I will. I’m quite good at it. The rule of thumb is to check at each change in the daylight savings time which means it’s time to test them again.
Our “hits” on the website are starting to pick up, but I still don’t know that everyone knows the Cypress Forest website address. Please keep it bookmarked as it’s a great resource not only for past Chatter editions, but also for Association documents, yard of the month, and current event announcements. The website address is We are working on SEO so that the site will pop up at the top of a Google search, but it’s not there yet. Let me know if you find something that should be added or improved upon (except for the color-scheme which will change very soon). I’d love to add a few more pages of good items that would benefit the residents of Cypress Forest. Ideas welcome!
For our new neighbors, remember to get your homestead exemption forms in by April 30th. The due date is the same to get your over-65 and disabled exemptions in to Harris County. You can find more information at
I wish each of you a joyous Easter and a happy spring season. Please feel free to call myself or any board member with questions or concerns. I will look forward to updating everyone on status of items next month. Have a safe and enjoyable month and thank you for making Cypress Forest such a great place to call home.
Scott D. Hubert
Neighbor and Cypress Forest CAI President
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