The Chatter – December 2017
December 2017

Scott Hubert, Neighbor and President
Howdy all! Break out the lights, the wreaths, the decorations and my personal favorite: the great-smelling candles! The holidays are in full swing. The board of Cypress Forest CAI wishes each of you a very joyful holiday season and hope that it is filled with family, laughter and some good eggnog.
For those of you who are still cleaning up from Hurricane Harvey, it should be noted that the last county debris removal was completed in November. It is my belief and hope that everyone who was affected has been able to muck out their home at this point. Future debris is the responsibility of the contractors and homeowners that are still working in the many houses that were affected. If you are one of those homeowners and find you need help with your home or debris removal, please contact any member of the board. We’re committed to rebuilding Cypress Forest better than it was before this horrible storm. We will do what we can to assist and make the tough job a little easier.

Final Harris County Debris Haul Was in November!
After the storm, the association took a hiatus in sending any deed restriction letters to any homeowners. That break was intended to be a ninety-day period, but the board extended this an extra 30 days based on the state of the community. We will begin doing violation drives again in January. However, know that we are sympathetic to those who experienced a loss in August and we will be extremely conservative in our review of those properties. Roll-offs, construction debris, tools, parking issues – we understand all of these are part of rebuilding and you will not receive a letter in the first quarter of 2018 for such items. For our neighbors who do receive a letter related to another deficiency, please know that the first letter is always a courtesy letter informing you of the violation. Unlike many surrounding associations, our community does not charge a “penalty” or “fine” for such letters or violations. We also invite you to call a board member if you disagree with any correspondence you might receive. We are all human and while we have a job to do, we also realize we make mistakes or there can be extenuating circumstances. We do appreciate your cooperation and help in keeping Cypress Forest in a condition we can all be proud of and in supporting the value of our homes.
“The Association sent out assessment letters to all property owners in early November. The assessment is due January 10th. There was a a letter attached to the front page of the assessment explaining the increase in assessments for 2018…”
The association sent out assessment letters to all property owners in early November. If you have not yet received this invoice, please contact PMG (281-367-8137) or a board member (our numbers are on the contact us page). The assessment is due January 10th, with penalties and interest accruing beginning February 1, 2018. There was a letter attached to the front page of the assessment explaining the increase in assessments for 2018 and we hope that everyone understands the need for such an adjustment. At $250 per annum, Cypress Forest still remains one of the lowest assessments in the entire Houston region. If for some reason you feel you cannot fund the annual assessment or if you are a flood victim, please reach out to a board member immediately and before the due date. We will do our best, within the laws provided, to assist you and mitigate the penalty and fees for a late payment. We do offer a payment plan and have other ways to work with you in paying the assessment.

Speaking of payment plans, both Harris County and Klein ISD are offering FREE payment plans for property taxes for all citizens in 2018. This is in response to the hardships caused by Hurricane Harvey. It is my understanding that both taxing authorities will allow the taxes due to be paid in four equal monthly installments with no extra charges or interest added. If you would like to learn more or take advantage of this arrangement, please contact the taxing authority directly. Harris County can be reached at and 713-274-8000. Klein ISD tax office can be reached at or 832-249-4740.
For those in our community wondering how the remediation on Lemm is coming along, I am told the rebuilding is to start in early January. The Klein School Board had to secure funds, approve architectural plans, and put the work out for bid. I understand the rebuild is going to be a long process and let’s hope it finishes prior to the 2018-2019 school year start in August 2018. Speaking of Klein ISD, a big change is coming for students graduating from Lemm in the future. Klein ISD is in the process of rezoning and all seven rezone plans have Lemm graduates going to Strack Intermediate. This is a big change as previously, all students advanced to Schindewolf Intermediate. This change is expected to become official and finalized in February 2018 and will be effective with the 2018-2019 school year.

Attention Cypress Forest animals! We are happy to have you as a part of the Cypress Forest family. We can relate to the fact that you like to take walks through the neighborhood. Please remind your owner to pick up after you when you are out in public places. Perhaps they can carry a bag with them to pick up the poo. Thank you and happy trails!
Christmas decoration competition is to be judged on December 16th! The winner gets both bragging rights and a gift card. Keep those lights shining bright and the holiday spirit nice and warm.
The Board is currently working on its’ New Year resolutions and is excited about 2018! Once again, we wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday and a prosperous New Year. . .
Scott Hubert
Neighbor and President
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