The Chatter – March 2017
March 2017

Howdy all! It is great to land on your screeens once again and I hope the approach of spring finds you all healthy and happy. It’s been a busy few months in the area. I’ll try to briefly summarize all the current events affecting our great community.
The board for Cypress Forest CAI met on the evening of February 16, 2017 for the annual meeting. I would like to thank those of you who personally attended the meeting and the residents who sent in proxies so as to allow us to have quorum. It was a productive meeting and many important topics were addressed. First and foremost was the condition of the landscaping within the Cypress Forest community. The board does not feel you are being well served by our current vendor and so we will be working diligently to find a new subcontractor. Arrangements will also be made with the current subcontractor in the interim to remediate our many common areas. Kevin Warren, a board member who has been a great asset to Cypress Forest for many years, has graciously offered to lead the charge on this project while also dedicating a tremendous amount of time to remediating the irrigation system. The board is intending to pressure wash all Cypress Forest community signs in the coming months. We hope you will notice improvements in these areas by the time that summer rolls around. Know that a complete remediation will take a bit longer but have confidence that this is a top priority and work will continue until we have areas back the high standard you deserve. The board approved repairs to the lighting system at the marquee sign located at I-45 and Cypress Oaks Drive. It may take a few weeks as the fixtures must be ordered. Many of you have inquired about the lack of lighting at this location and that will be rectified soon enough. In replacing the ground lighting with LED’s, we will also be working to replace the lights on the stanchions as the existing are getting a bit long in the tooth. Finally, the meeting was concluded after the election was held and I am proud to announce that both Stephanie Horton and Rob Bailes were elected for another term. These two board members have been invaluable resources and we have an incredible Cypress Forest board that has your best interest at heart.

Thislight brings safety to Cypress Forest!
I am going to remind everyone in Cypress Forest that it imperative that you keep your yard light operational. Beyond being a requirement of the community, it is more importantly a safety issue for all of us. As Cypress Forest is without street lighting, we all rely on the yard lights to keep common areas lit and to help protect our assets. It was noted in a recent audit that more than fifteen percent of our residents had allowed their yard lights to become inoperable. This is a significant problem that must be fixed immediately. We will continue to send letters out to those who have not corrected this problem and will be forced to send those who do not correct the problem to out attorney for further action. Please do your best to keep your lights working and contact the board if there are extenuating circumstances as to why you cannot do so.
“Annual assessments were mailed out in late October 2016 and due in January 2017. The board notes that there are many accounts that are currently in delinquent status.”
Annual assessments were mailed out in late October 2016 and due in January 2017. The board notes that there are many accounts that are currently in delinquent status. If you have not paid your annual dues, please make arrangements to fund this assessment immediately. If you need a receipt for payment or a copy of your assessment, please reach out to PMG at 281-367-8137.

A new contractor has been hired and work has once again begun on the commercial development located around the intersection of Cypress Oaks Drive and Interstate 45. I am told that much of the debris will be soon be burned off (where appropriate) or hauled off. It should be noted that there is to be further tree removal in the “reserves” area so don’t be surprised if you see machinery clearing further trees from this area in coming months.

We have many new neighbors in Cypress Forest and adjoining communities. Just a reminder for those new to the area and particularly neighbors who moved in before January 1st, the Harris County exemption application is due on or before April 30th. Harris County offers exemptions for homestead, over-65, over-55 surviving spouse, and 100% disabled veteran and these exemptions can save bundles on your property taxes. Forms can be found at (type “exemption” in search bar) and are fairly straightforward to complete and mail. Welcome all new neighbors and hope to meet you one day soon.
Yard of the month will start back up for Cypress Forest beginning in May and running through September. Get the spades sharpened and the mulch bags stacked! Not only do you get bragging rights, but also a small gift card for your efforts. We are all appreciative that those in our community take pride in their lots and that so much effort goes into beautifying our neighborhood at this time of year.
Have a great month and please feel free to reach out to me or any board member if we ever be of any assistance. Wishing you the very best for March……
Scott Hubert
Neighbor and President
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