The Chatter – October 2016
October 2016

Fall is finally in the air! It’s hard to mark our area’s fall season through any climate change, but with football starting back up, it most certainly is time for highs to drop under 100 degrees. I hope that this edition of The Chatter finds you happy, healthy and enjoying life. A reminder that this time of year brings a return to school for our children and dusk comes a little sooner in the evening. Please make sure to slow down a notch and be cognizant of our younger generation on their walking routes and assigned bus stops. Speaking of dusk, note that daylight savings ends on November 6 of this year and we will “fall back” one hour on that date. Don’t let that make you late for the big event occurring the following Tuesday – the presidential election is on Tuesday, November 8th. You may find your polling location by visiting or Hope everyone will get out and exercise their freedom to vote. Of similar importance, is the next Cypress Forest CAI board meeting which will be held on October 20th at 7pm in the meeting room next to the WCID #110 WWTP!!
October brings the Texas National Night Out event and many of you know from past years that our community throws a legendary celebration each year to mark the occasion. This year’s event is on October 4th and will be held at the WCID #110 community center at 19023 Joanleigh. Credit must be given to the WCID #110 board, the Forest Oaks SRC staff, and Jody Dellinger as this group comprises an incredible team which organizes and funds a memorable evening each year. This event, one which is recognized and observed across our country once each year, is a great opportunity for neighbors and citizens to join with local law enforcement for an informal meet and greet. I can tell you from past experience that it’s a perfect chance to meet your neighbors and foster new friendships. Many members of your respective HOA boards will be present and participating. There will be plenty to keep the kids happy and an abundance of great food (no cost to citizens) and we invite you and your family to join us for an unforgettable evening.

National Night Out! Come Join Us October 4th.
Speaking of law enforcement and the criminals they protect us from, it seems both groups have been staying busy lately. There has been a noticeable uptick in reported criminal activity within the neighborhoods receiving this publication (and NW Houston as a whole). Our local Harris County Constables are working diligently to protect each of us, our families and our property and I hope you will take any opportunity afforded to thank them. By layman count, we have over 600 homesteads spread throughout the distribution area of The Chatter. The greater area around the distribution market comprises over 2,500 homes spread over many square miles and including significant commercial properties. That’s a very large area and the commercial districts and freeway/byways only bring a higher level of complexity to the responsibilities of our officers. Our valiant officers cannot be everywhere at every moment of the day. They will be first to admit that their role is often a reactive one and we, as residents, must be proactive in the relationship to help prevent and deter crime. We must all work assiduously and as a cohesive community to avoid making ourselves a target and an area where crooks wish to “work”. A more detailed sidebar advising as to how we can all better protect against crime will be included in the next edition of The Chatter. In the interim, there a few basic tips to help deter crime in our area. First, if you see activity that is suspicious, regardless of how severe, report it immediately! The Harris County Pct. 4 Constables can be dispatched by calling 281-376-3472. To deter property crimes, lock your doors – both house and vehicle – at all times. Remove valuables from vehicles and never leave them running if unattended; even for a moment. Consider investing in a home alarm/surveillance system and also a dog. Stay alert at all times and avoid becoming complacent to changes or situations occurring around you. Situational awareness is one of the most critical elements in limiting and preventing crime. Most importantly, know your neighbors and always stay involved in the activities of the community as preventing crime is a group effort and one that requires all of us to stay informed. More to come in future editions of The Chatter…..
The associations and their board members have been fielding many calls and emails from residents concerned and troubled about the condition of the property at Cypress Oaks and Interstate 45.
The associations and their board members have been fielding many calls and emails from residents concerned and troubled about the condition of the property at Cypress Oaks and Interstate 45. The area is often referred to as the “back entrance” to Cypress Forest and is the primary entrance/egress for residents of Cypress Forest Lakes. The property in question, owned by Hendricks Interest, was cleared of trees several months ago yet the debris and tree trunks were left piled and seemingly abandoned. This has created quite an eyesore for all of us who utilize this area and associate it with our respective communities. The problem is on the radar of the local HOA’s and contact has been made with management at Hendricks. Through this active dialogue, it was learned that there were several complications experienced by the developer in clearing the land; least of which was the major flooding in April 2016. Hendricks has given us our assurance that they are working diligently to get the project back on track and have asked for our patience. I trust that we will all see mobilization and progress within the next few months. It would be a good gander that clearing would resume prior to the first quarter of 2017. A concerted effort will be made to keep everyone posted in coming editions of The Chatter but you are welcome to contact me (or Hendricks directly) for updates in the interim.

Sign Up Now! Social Media Geared for Our Community.
For those of you who are not aware, there is an online social media application designed solely for community participation and networking. The Nextdoor application ( is a great facilitator for real-time updates and communication within our communities. This national site, which is not sponsored or directly supported by any one local HOA/community, is a great way to stay informed of community events, buy/sell lightly used items, relay crime trends, post lost pets, find home care vendors (babysitters to handymen and beyond) and stay involved in an active dialogue on topics only related to our community. For instance, the Cypress Forest Nextdoor page has 90+ active neighbors, but also gives access to over 1300 surrounding neighbors and many related nearby communities. I find it of great personal value and invite you to join the online community. If you are not signed up, you can go to and enroll (no charge). If you have any problems or have questions regarding the site, you are welcome to contact me for assistance. Cypress Forest is actively working on renewing the local community website and our hope it to have it back active by the end of 2016. An update will be provided when is live once again along with a listing of other local community websites. To use a line from above, More to come in future editions of The Chatter…..
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the editor/publisher of The Chatter for her incredible devotion to our community. Diana Baskett has been publishing and mailing this newsletter, unabated for over a decade now and she often does so only with the funds provided through advertisers. There have been times when she has dug into her own pocket to make sure the publication goes out timely. The Chatter has been the one constant for our community through much change and transition and I hope you’ll join me in thanking Diana for her commitment and tireless effort. If you know anyone who would like to advertise within, please contact Diana or myself as we’d be happy to share the very cost-effective rates and discuss the potential to advertise here.
Remember that the kids are back in school, so please watch your speed and driving habits. Also remember that it’s against the law to use your cell phone while driving in school zones and I’m told by the Constables that they’ll be watching closely for this behavior in the first few months of classes.
As always, I invite you to call on myself, the management company, or any board member if we can be of any assistance. Have a great month!
Scott Hubert
Neighbor and CFCAI President

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